Opening 2025
752 McCauley Rd. Stow OH 44224
Suite 102

I’ve only had two lessons with Coach Jimmy so far, but it’s been two game-changing ones. I have always struggled with power in my swing, and I had never worked on any speed drills before. Once I expressed this, Coach Jimmy immediately gave me speed drills to work on and gave me exercises to help with my hip rotation to help increase swing speed. And I have already seen the results with my speed. It feels like it is increasing, and the simulator numbers show that it is increasing. He also helped me to optimize my driver by suggesting a different tee height than what I used, and better positioning of my driver at address, two things that had never been suggested to me. And it has worked wonders.
To add to this, the fact that Coach Jimmy understands how to teach students on the Autism Spectrum means a lot to me, in that I have Asperger’s Syndrome. Knowing that someone that knows how to get the best out of people like me is coaching me brings me great confidence and reassurance. He has been nothing but great, and I am looking forward to the great progress we’re going to make together with my game!
Thank you very much,
I have been learning golf from Coach Jimmy for a few years now. He is by far the best coach I have ever had in any sport! Not only has he taught me to enjoy golf, but he has also taught me the importance of perseverance and patience. I continue to improve because of Coach Jimmy. His enthusiasm and positive energy are contagious. Spend just a few minutes with him and you will see why he is such a great person. Thank you Coach for all of your guidance and support! I look forward to many more lessons from you!
Evan Butcher
Coach Jimmy made my first golf experiences the best ever. I could write for a very long time on how he has helped me learn the game of golf. He is devoted to the game and helping others learn to appreciate the game. He is willing to take his time with any golfer and encourage them when they don’t believe in themselves. Coach Jimmy is a great role model for others. Because of this, I am looking forward to golfing for the high school team in a few years. I know that Coach Jimmy will be there to help me along the way.
Ava Butcher
If I listed every single way Coach Jim has helped me over the past 6 years, I would be writing more of a novel than testimonial. He’s the best coach I have ever had and has taught me so much, not just about golf but about confidence, perseverance and sportsmanship. He has improved my golf game substantially through lessons and extra practice and tips. I don’t think I will ever forget the lessons he has taught me. Coach Jim has always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself and has both encouraged me and pushed me to become not just the best golfer, but the best person I can be. He has put so much time and effort into making golf fun for me and so many others. I look forward to golfing in High School and beyond. Coach Jim is an amazing person and I don’t believe there is anyone as kind, or devoted to helping others. I’ve had a great golfing experience and know anyone else who had the opportunity to take lessons from him would too. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me Coach!
Abby Collins
Dear Coach Jimmy,
I just wanted to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for all that you have done for me and my golf game over the past years. I don’t know if I would even still be doing golf if it weren’t for you. You are the most amazing golf instructor I have ever had and I appreciate all the time you put into the classes to make them fun. You always pushed me to do my best and keep working hard. That’s what makes a really awesome teacher.
I also want to say thank you for the positive impact you have had on my life. The 9 core values that you strongly enforced has made me a better person and has helped my golf game. I have been taught many valuable life lessons that I can not only use in golf but in other aspects of my life. I feel more prepared for the future with the 9 core values. The ones that impacted me the most was confidence and perseverance. Even when we felt we could not make a shot you always told us to have confidence and never give up. The life lessons that the first tee has taught me are unforgettable.
The skills you have shown me have helped to make me a better high school golfer and has put me in the top spots. With your help I am able to continue playing an enjoyable sport which I can play for the remainder of my life. Golf really is a life long sport. I am sad to see you leave but the next chapter of your life has a lot in store for such an amazing teacher, that you are. Once again, thank you for everything you have done. It means so much to me.
Caroline Roush
Jimmy is an absolutely amazing, wonderful golf coach!! He has connected with out autistic son thru golf. Our son absolutely loves Jimmy and golf! Jimmy has sharpened his skills, made him a better golfer and deepened his love of golf!! Jimmy has even helped teach our wild, sassy 6 year old daughter to golf!! The world needs more Jimmy’s in it. He is amazing to watch and the kids (and adults) love him! We are so blessed to have found Jimmy Beers Golf!!
Kristen Gaskins
Jimmy has not only been my boss, a friend, my swing coach, he has also been a mentor. I worked for Jimmy for quite a few years and the way he treats people is what I learned the most from him. It didn’t matter if you were a professional athlete or a kid picking up a club for the first time. The respect and love for people is truly extraordinary.
Jimmy taught me just about everything in the game of golf. When I first stumbled into his junior league at a young age I didn’t know where this game would take me. Now as a young man I can say without this guy I don’t think I would be as successful. I was able to gain a full ride scholarship and play division 1 golf. A dream come true. Now into the real world the game of golf has made me patient and competitive. Always trying to make a birdie every hole, and striving to succeed with business and relationships. Jimmy is truly one in a billion type of person, and I am so glad we get to still play together. Jimmy thank you, and cheers to out next win as partners.
Cody Nickson
Jimmy Beers was the first person I ever took a golf lesson with. From that day forward my view of the game changed! His love and passion for the game, and his passion for helping other made me realize it was much more than just a game! After that lesson my love of the game changed and has since grown. The admiration I have for him and his work with the first tee program and helping others is more than I can put into words. I’m envious of this next chapter he is starting and I hops one day I can be in the same position, to help other at the game I love and am so passionate about! My utmost respect and support goes out to this man and I hope you will take the opportunity to visit his new facility and have the pleasure of taking a lesson and supporting a great man and instructor! Best of luck!
Bobby Lindeman
This sounds so exciting for you and I have no doubt it will be wildly successful. I’ll never forget you hitting a driver off your knees then having us all try and essentially we all almost snapped our drivers hitting 3 feet behind the ball. I love the game of golf and your passion for growing it and the way you do it is a great thing in this world. Good luck my friend.
I’m 35 years old and have been playing golf for 30 years. I was a student of Jimmy’s in the late 90’s and some of my favorite golf memories growing up happened during the summer playing in his junior league at Racoon Hill. His passion and excitement for the game is contagious. I believe the game of golf is much bigger that putting the ball in the hole and Jimmy has the rare ability to grow your technical skills while helping you understand the bigger lessons of golf, all while having loads of fun. Jimmy is still one of my favorite people who helped me learn and enjoy the game of golf in the last 30 years and all you have to do is spend a few minutes with him to understand why.
Scott Anklowitz
Jimmy is who made me love the game of golf and is the reason why I am still playing it to this day. Without him I would not be anywhere near the level I’m at in both my game and in my life.
Alexandria Vardon